Araştırmacılar başta olmak üzere medyayla ilgilenen herkesin her yıl merakla beklediği Reuters’ın Dijital Haber Raporu yayımlandı. 154 sayfalık ra
According to the 2019 Digital News Report of Reuters Institute:
- Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook groups are mostly used by Turkish for spreading news
Since 2016 Facebook’s algorithm changes make media organizations posts less frequently appear on this platform. Sharing news from private platforms like Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp is increasing around the world. According to this year’s reports for Turkey, with 29%, Facebook groups are most frequently used with the aim of spreading news and having political discussions in the world.
Whatsapp groups are used in Turkey, with 21%, by this goal. One of the most interesting fact is that Turkey is ranking first with 33% by news consumption through Instagram.

2. Migration from traditional media to new media continues

While most of the people, approximately 68%, wants to receive the news in texts, the rate under age of 35 that prefer news in video formats increases 13%. A part of the report goes like this: “Platforms such as YouTube has become one of the most important centers of objective media” 83% of our town-dweller sample in this country says that they consume the news from external platforms not from news sites.
3. Turkey ranks second avoiding consumption of news
The rate of people saying they avoid consuming news increased 3 points in the whole world in comparison to last year and reached approximately 32%. Turkey, with 55%, is one point below from Croatia, ranks second.
4. We like sharing and commenting news
60% of the people in Turkey say that they share the news on social media or through other chanelles. 45% say that they not only sharing but also commenting on the news sites or on social media about the news as well.
5. However, Social Media is on a downfall
Even though Turkey is on the top shelf using internet as a news consuming device, in another report says that rate of Turkish people consider social media as a news source dropped to 59%.

An Important Point
According to the Reuters Report, there are 2.074, mostly city-dweller, person from Turkey took place in the YouGovs online survey. In contrast to USA and England, not using a more solid technique supported with face to face interviews questioned the surveys reliability on some points.
For instance according to the survey 34% percent say that they pay to read news online. Tough, even for the most developed countries, such high rates are not at stake. Additionally the “Turkeys Most-Read News Web Sites” list highly contradicts with the data collected by independent organizations.