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On World Press Freedom Day, IJA draws attention to the dire situation of press freedom in Turkey

International Journalists Association (IJA) Press Release:

May 3, 2024 – On World Press Freedom Day, the International Journalists Association (IJA) stands in solidarity with journalists around the world, especially those in Turkey who face grave threats in their pursuit of truth.
IJA remains committed to defending journalists’ rights and ensuring their safety, regardless of geographic or political challenges.
Today, as we reiterate our continued support for Turkish journalists facing systematic repression, imprisonment and censorship, we want to emphasize once again that press freedom in Turkey is becoming increasingly precarious.

Over the past decade, press freedom in Turkey has deteriorated significantly, ranking at the bottom of global press freedom indices. The 2024 Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index underlines Turkey’s last-place position. The Turkish government has employed a variety of tactics to suppress social and political dissent, including legal and economic sanctions and outright closure of media outlets.
Moreover, the state of democracy in Turkey continues to decline, having been identified as “Not Free” in Freedom House’s 2024 report. The erosion of democratic structures and the concentration of power in the executive has severely hampered not only media freedom, but also broader civil liberties such as freedom of expression, assembly and association.
The persecution of journalists extends beyond Turkey’s borders, affecting exiled journalists such as Abdülhamit Bilici, Abdullah Bozkurt, Adem Yavuz Arslan, Bülent Keneş, Can Dündar, Cevheri Güven, Erk Acarer, Levent Kenez and Said Defa, who have been subjected to organized threats and attacks by Turkish authorities despite seeking refuge in democratic countries.
These actions demonstrate Turkey’s strategic use of transnational pressure to silence dissent worldwide. This includes the manipulation of social networking platforms such as YouTube and X, which have been exploited to censor and control dissent.

While the IJA recognizes initiatives such as the European Media Freedom Act as positive steps within the EU, it calls on other nations and global bodies to take similar, robust measures.
Given the serious challenges facing journalists, particularly in countries like Turkey, international cooperation and legislative measures aimed at protecting journalists from censorship and ensuring their freedom and safety have become imperative.

IJA is committed to defending journalists in Turkey and providing them with legal and other support. Our efforts are aimed at creating a safer environment for journalists worldwide and fostering a media environment where diverse voices can flourish without fear.
As defenders of press freedom and democratic values, we must stand in solidarity to ensure that undemocratic regimes like Turkey cannot continue their repressive practices unchecked. The role of journalists as agents of accountability and pillars of democracy has never been more vital.
For more information on how you can support press freedom in Turkey and around the world, please visit the IJA website or contact us.
IJA (International Journalists Association)

IJA (International Journalists Association)
IJA is a global non-profit organization dedicated to supporting journalists facing threats, censorship and persecution. Founded by exiled journalists from Turkey, IJA works to promote press freedom, protect journalists’ rights and ensure the safe practice of journalism around the world. Through various initiatives, it defends the fundamental human right to freedom of expression and aims to create a more inclusive and equitable journalistic landscape.

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