KHK TV reporter Ahmet Erkan Yiğitsözlü, who voiced the unlawfulness of the KHK people and is the voice of tens of thousands of KHK victims, was detained by the police who raided his house.
Police raided the house of KHK TV reporter journalist Ahmet Erkan Yiğitsözlü in Osmaniye, who brought the stories of the people with statutory decrees in Turkey to millions. Yiğitsözlü, whose house was searched, was later taken to the police station and taken into custody.

Ahmet Erkan – KHK TV
HDP Kocaeli Deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, on his Twitter account, said: Why this interference with the public’s right to be informed? Is journalism a crime? Do not commit the crime of limiting freedom! No to the censorship law @OsmaniyeValilik @EmniyetOsmaniye”.
KHK Platforms Spokesperson Münir Korkmaz also reacted to the detention of Ahmet Erkan Yiğitsözlü and said, “The detention of KHK TV reporter and journalist Ahmet Erkan Yiğitsözlü, which is an independent human rights channel, is unacceptable.”
Ahmet Erkan Yiğitsözlü, who works as a volunteer at KHK TV, is also a documentary producer.
Source: Boldmedya