The Korkusuz newspaper writer Ahmet Takan was attacked outside of his house in the evening. The attacker came from Takan’s behind and hit him with a stick. Journalist-writer Takan spoke to Yeniçağ newspaper, When I noticed the approaching attacker by shouting a slogan, I protected myself with the bag in my hand. With the bag, he could only hit me in the leg. Then he walked away. Then I went to the nearest hospital and got treatment. I gave a statement once again at the police station ”. After treatment it was realised that there were bruises on Takan’s leg muscles.

Hours before the attack, MHP Secretary General Ismet Buyukataman had shared a tweet about Takan. Büyükataman, from his post on Twitter “ Everyone saw and understood and realized except that vacant chatter Ahmet Takan, that Mr. Bahceli, the Chairman of the Nationalist-Nationalist Movement, became ill as every human being and returned to his duty after a successful treatment process.” he expressed.
Following the attack, Takan shared the following from his Twitter account: In front of my house in broad daylight after the brutal attack, my phone was torn apart. I would like to thank all my friends who could reached me or not. I can’t reply all. I’m doing good!. I’ll keep writing the truth. I will not leave the footsteps of ATATÜRK and Hasan Tahsin until I die.