The third cycle meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Commission Universal Periodic Review Mechanism (UPR) was held on 12 December in Geneva. UPR previously met in 2010 and 2015. Thanks to the mechanism that examines the five-year period, NGOs and governments come together and the human rights registers of the governments are evaluated within the framework of the reports presented. Following the meetings, governments are presented with reports on the elimination of existing violations.
After 2015 according to reports and presentations made at the meeting of NGOs, UPR offered in 5 years, Turkey’s human rights violations to file further bloat. While UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva on human rights violations in Turkey discussing the matter closely, the NGOs offered information that suprised everyone. While the Turkish government did not formally participated in the meeting, Turkish bureaucrats hid their names in the meeting room and took photos, causing reactions. In recent months, IAHRA Geneva President Ali Fırat submitted a report to the UN through UPR Info. In the report presented to Kronos, compared to 2015 the number of reports has increased at twice the world over Turkey in Geneva in the context of human rights violation reports hailing, he said.
Human rights violations figures were announced
Some of the NGOs that prepared the reports had the opportunity to present their work in Geneva. on Turkey ‘Scholars at Risk’ Association, the International Commission for Justice and Independent Journalism P24 platform made presentations. The disclosed figures surprised even the ones that closely following the human rights violations in Turkey.
Scholars at Risk: 7508 university staff were dismissed, nearly 6,000 university teachers and 1,300 university administrative staff and their spouses’ passports were canceled. 10 academics were killed. 2808 faculties of 15 universities were closed on the grounds that they were involved in the coup and thus the education rights of approximately 58000 students were taken away. International Justice Commission: Following the coup attempt, about 30 percent of active judges and prosecutors (4113 in number) were dismissed on the allegations that they were ‘involved in terrorism terör. P24: 117 journalists that can be detected are currently in jail. (Ahmet Altan’s experiences were also explained to the participants in the presentation.
Critics expressed against TCK ( Turkish Penal Code )
NGOs who talked about the problems, especially the terrorist propaganda article in the Turkish Civil Code and the Turkish Penal Code, “not being a member of the organization yet acting on behalf of the organization” “committed to the crime of aiding to the organization” provisions should be changed.
Swedish Ambassador took notes, Turkish bureaucrats took photos
During the meeting, the Swedish Ambassador took note of the complaints and suggestions of NGOs. At the presentations made on behalf of Turkey, Turkey was not officially. However, two Turkish diplomats were hiding their names and following the meeting in the back row and taking photos were also found strange by foreign NGOs. This act of the bureaucrats Turkey, was interpreted as a “snitching instead chose to listen” to the NGOs. UPR’s substantive report on human rights abuses in the last 5 years in Turkey will be announced between 28-30 January 2020 in Geneva.